Boutique AlKhanoum: Igniting the Flame of Oriental Opulence

Boutique AlKhanoum

Unveiling Boutique AlKhanoum—a luminary in the fashion sphere, originating from the vibrant heart of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Curated by the ingenious fashion maestro, Sara Allouni, Boutique AlKhanoum is not merely a retail outlet. It is an artistic outlet that marries tradition with a fearless leap of innovation—offering stunning masterpieces that echo the designer's indomitable spirit and ceaseless passion.

This recently completed project awaits its grand reveal on our website soon! This recently completed project awaits its grand reveal on our website soon! This recently completed project awaits its grand reveal on our website soon!
01_Boutique_AlKhanoum_By-STORM-Design-Studio 02_Boutique_AlKhanoum_By-STORM-Design-Studio

Orchestrating a Brand Renaissance

Unraveling AlKhanoum’s Eloquent Narrative Our sojourn with Boutique Alkhanoum was no ordinary journey. This was a collaborative odyssey we undertook, marching into the depths of AlKhanoum's creative ethos, harmoniously aligning our ingenuity with their distinct identity. Our voyage was a purpose-infused adventure, navigating through strategic thinking and the delicate craftsmanship that fuels STORM’s transformative force.
Every detail meticulously woven, every challenge conquered was an affirmation of our commitment to bring Boutique AlKhanoum's intrinsic story to the forefront. Not a journey of mere branding, but of meaningful transformation.
What we did
Scope of work
Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Brand Guideline
Brand & Printed Collaterals
Art Direction
Packaging Design
Digital Design
Social Media Content
Fashion & Lifestyle
Khanoum Boutique
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Beard ZoniaStrategy / Identity / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

Jon & Vinny's RestaurantBrand Arabzation / Identity

The BakersStrategy / Identity / Interior Design / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

VitalityNaming / Strategy / Identity / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

FlexZoniaStrategy / Identity / Interior Design / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

Billionaire SocietyBrand Arabzation / Identity

BurgerToneStrategy / Identity / Interior Design / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

Nusr-EtBrand Arabzation / Identity

Singor SassiBrand Arabzation / Identity

Yasma CaIdentity / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

MR CHOW RiyadhBrand Arabzation / Identity

Carisma FloristsDevelopment / Identity / Marketing Collaterals

ZumaBrand Arabzation / Identity

Ruya RestaurantBrand Arabzation / Identity

AllwoodIdentity / Development / Brand Collaterals

SMSIdentity / Development / Brand Collaterals

Modern FoodIdentity / Brand Collaterals

SmartMedStrategy / Identity / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

MIC InvestmentIdentity / Brand Collaterals / Web Design

SmartlabIdentity / Development / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

ServeKingsIdentity / Interior Design / Marketing Collaterals

KaymenIdentity / Development / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

TamreedIdentity / Development / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

Maple ArtsIdentity / Development / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

FishBoneStrategy / Identity / Marketing Collaterals

BoomOutStrategy / Identity / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

DentecDevelopment / Identity / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design


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