Culinary Fusion Meets Cultural

Jon & Vinny's . Riyadh

Nestled in the heart of Los Angeles, Jon & Vinny’s epitomizes the confluence of traditional Italian cuisine and the vibrant ethos of Californian culinary innovation. Founded by the visionary duo, Jon Shook and Vinny Dotolo, this revered eatery has emerged as a sanctuary for those who seek the nostalgic warmth of Italian fare infused with a dash of contemporary Californian ingenuity. Their commitment to unparalleled quality and inventive gastronomy has rendered Jon & Vinny’s a cherished locale, not just among the denizens of Los Angeles but also amongst culinary aficionados worldwide.
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Weaving Cultural Threads: A Visual Banquet

At the heart of our transformative journey for Jon & Vinny's Riyadh branch, STORM Design Studio embarked on an ambitious path to not just transplant, but thoughtfully adapt the essence of this culinary marvel for a Middle Eastern audience. Our mission was clear: to knit the rich tapestry of Arabic culture with the brand’s iconic visual identity, creating a resonant connection that transcends geographic and linguistic barriers.
Innovative Approach Powered by foresight and underpinned by meticulous craftsmanship, our strategic rebranding maneuver was twofold. We delicately interwoven Arabic typographic elements into the brand’s existing logo, ensuring that the integration was seamless, yet profound. This wasn’t merely about aesthetic novelty; it was about fostering a sense of cultural belonging and familiarity.
Confronting the challenges head-on, our team devised an innovative Arabic branding strategy that honored the original’s spirit while embracing nuances of Middle Eastern imagery. Through this act of creative alchemy, Jon & Vinny's brand now proudly parades an ambidextrous identity—rooted in its Californian origins yet fluent in Arabic sensibilities.
What we did
Scope of work
Brand Identity
Brand Arabization
Brand Guideline
MJS Holding
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

In the realm where strategic design meets vibrant storytelling, STORM Design Studio redefines boundaries. With Jon & Vinny’s Riyadh branch, we didn’t just create a brand; we spun a narrative that bridges continents and cultures, meticulously sketching a future where every meal is a shared journey, every logo a testament to heritage and innovation. In our hands, brands aren’t just seen; they’re experienced.



Beard ZoniaStrategy / Identity / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

The BakersStrategy / Identity / Interior Design / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

VitalityNaming / Strategy / Identity / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

FlexZoniaStrategy / Identity / Interior Design / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

Billionaire SocietyBrand Arabzation / Identity

BurgerToneStrategy / Identity / Interior Design / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

Nusr-EtBrand Arabzation / Identity

Singor SassiBrand Arabzation / Identity

Yasma CaIdentity / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

MR CHOW RiyadhBrand Arabzation / Identity

Carisma FloristsDevelopment / Identity / Marketing Collaterals

ZumaBrand Arabzation / Identity

Ruya RestaurantBrand Arabzation / Identity

AllwoodIdentity / Development / Brand Collaterals

SMSIdentity / Development / Brand Collaterals

Modern FoodIdentity / Brand Collaterals

SmartMedStrategy / Identity / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

MIC InvestmentIdentity / Brand Collaterals / Web Design

SmartlabIdentity / Development / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

ServeKingsIdentity / Interior Design / Marketing Collaterals

KaymenIdentity / Development / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

TamreedIdentity / Development / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

Boutique AlKhanoumIdentity / Development / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

Maple ArtsIdentity / Development / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

FishBoneStrategy / Identity / Marketing Collaterals

BoomOutStrategy / Identity / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design

DentecDevelopment / Identity / Marketing Collaterals / Web Design


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