Revitalizing Kaymen Steel's Brand After a Solid Decade

Kaymen Steel

Kaymen Steel Inc. an architect of the Greater Toronto Area's skyline, has been a steadfast pillar of steel service provision since 2013. Their portfolio enwrap services ranging from structural and miscellaneous steel fabrication, to installations, each meticulously managed from inception to completion. They navigate the tides of project management and budget control, ensuring their clients steer clear of rough seas.
This recently completed project awaits its grand reveal on our website soon! This recently completed project awaits its grand reveal on our website soon! This recently completed project awaits its grand reveal on our website soon!
01_Kaymen_By-STORM-Design-Studio 04_Kaymen_By-STORM-Design-Studio

Revitalizing Kaymen Steel's Brand After a Solid Decade

After a decade under Kaymen Steel's previous guise, the call for a transformation was unequivocal. At Storm Design Studio, we weren't merely changing a brand's clothes, but forging their entire identity anew. We set out to capture the spirit of Kaymen Steel Inc., a blend of industrial precision and community building, and distill it into a revitalised brand image. We scripted a powerful narrative, illustrating the company's transition from their old branding into a reinvented contemporary identity.
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This task wasn't akin to turning a new leaf, but planting a whole new tree of identity, one that mirrors Kaymen's foundation of trust and partnership, while embracing the future with bold innovation.
What we did
Scope of work
Brand Identity
Brand Guideline
Brand Voice & Messaging
Brand & Printed Collaterals
Uniform, Wayfinding & Signage
Website Design
Development & Management
Manufacturing & Industrial
Kaymen Steel Inc.
Toronto, Canada

Dear Storm Design Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude and admiration for the outstanding work your team at Storm Design delivered during our tenth-anniversary rebranding project at Kaymen Steel. From the inception of the project to its completion, the professionalism, creativity, and dedication exhibited by your team have left an indelible mark on our company's identity. The thoughtful approach and attention to detail demonstrated throughout the process truly exceeded our expectations. Your ability to capture the essence of Kaymen Steel and translate it into a fresh, modern brand image was nothing short of remarkable. The creativity displayed in developing our new logo, website, and marketing materials perfectly aligned with our vision and values. The collaborative spirit with which your team engaged with ours made the entire experience not only productive but also enjoyable. We look forward to continued collaboration and would not hesitate to recommend your services to other businesses seeking top-notch creative solutions. Thank you once again for helping us celebrate our tenth anniversary in style and for contributing to the future success of Kaymen Steel.

Mahmoud Jemmie

General Manager


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